In Orient, the philosophy describes life style too and not only a set of ideas about the world or a way of knowing. The orientals reject any theories which do not have practical relevance and can not be experienced in everyday life.

The oriental techniques of treatment used by traditional Chinese medicine have their origins in the Taoist philosophical concepts. According to Taoist thinking, the universe is an unit being composed of matter and energy, possessed by two complementary and antagonistic forces, called Ying and Yang. These forces maintain the balance of the universe and they are present in all things and phenomena, in various combinations.
Ying is the female principle, which attributes are darkness and inactivity. Yang is the male principle of the strongness, hardness and activity. Ying is associated with the Earth and Yang with the sky. These two principles are the creative forces of the entire universe.
Under this mentality, man is in harmony with the cosmic energy of which life was created. The links of disturbance and breaking between man and universe contribute to the production of diseases.
Therefore, any man who doesn't lives in harmony with nature and with the laws of the universe "dies", first spiritually and then physically. Anatomy, physiology and psychology of the individual, social institutions, and spaces devoted to housing (castles, palaces, temples, altars) are governed by the same principles that govern the universe.
Theory of the Vital Points achievement of the Shaolin masters
Shaolin masters say that the martial pressing puncture and medical pressing puncture are two methods that have the same starting point but different purpose. This can be seen clearly because of the name of points of acupuncture or manuals of pressing puncture, as well as the traffic and energy theories are almost identical.
Medical pressing puncture uses flexible methods of massage with the hands as much as the patient bears, for pushing the blood and the internal energy in order to stimulate circulation and to heal some organic diseases.
Instead Wushu martial pressing puncture uses penetrating forces, explosive, for hiting some weaknesses of the opponent, to make blood and its internal energy not moving normally, thus causing pain and making him to lose fighting ability.
Human body has outside muscles, bones and skin and inside internal organs linked together by energy meridians as well as vessels and blood vessels. If the energy meridians are blocked, then the activity of the internal organs will be prevented.
Blood and vital blast (vital energy Qi) represent the source from which all the vital functions of the human body supply and which are circulating without any stop in the entire body.
Of course the blood circulation, as it is well known as well as the energy circulation are subject to rules established by nature. Blood circulation is made through blood vessels, and the energy through energetical meridians invisible for physical eyes.